March 12, 2008

Mission Statement

I forgot to mention what I intend to do on my own little home in the blogosphere. For all intents and purposes, the intent and purpose of this blog is for me to:

-post some of my writing, and my adventures therein, my hopes, fears, relishes, mustards, &c. &c.

-write about my adventures in Wizard Rock: failed bands, current bands, opinions, possibly post bits of music.

-probably end up discussing television, and recommending my favorite shows.

-write about knitting! My current projects, past projects, most desired-to-be-doing projects, and to try to find something to do with my disasterously large stash. (Which I could never part with, no-way, no-how.)

So there you have it. In this cozy corner of the bloggable internet, one can find stories of my trials and tribulations in the fields of writing (for stage and screen), knitting (for myself and others) and wizard rockery (and possibly other less wizardly music.)

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