March 28, 2008

For the people who are still alive.

This is a Wrock post!

But first, allow me to briefly talk about sandwiches.

I have discovered the secret to making the finest grilled tuna sandwiches west of the Mississip. Prior to this discovery, I had a serious grilled tuna problem: It took a very short time for the cheese to melt, but quite a long time for the tuna to become entirely heated.

The solution?

Warm the tuna in the microwave for exactly 43.5 seconds prior to placement on the bread. Then, in a frying pan on medium-low heat, put the cheese side down first. Let the cheese melt and the bread get crispy-good, and then flip until bread is crispy on opposite side.
It is so simple I can't believe I didn't think of it before.

Today's sandwich:

-Whole Wheat Bread
-Tuna (mixed with mayo, cut up snow peas, dilly dip and feta cheese)
-Kraft singles (Oh you shudder, but this is heaven)

Lovingly grilled to perfection and served with chicken soup. Truly Alison Day is a day of Kings.

Now, on to the Wrock!

The band I attempted to start previous to The Violent Puffskeins was called "The Wet Blankets and One Very Lonely Marauder." This is, indeed, a Shoebox reference. The thing about the band was that I started writing songs after reading Shoebox, and they were all related in some way, to the events of Shoebox.

I got all excited about it, and then I scrapped the band for these reasons:

-It wasn't entirely canon. I didn't want to start some sort of horrible Paranthropus Wrock movement, where soon people would be creating bands based on their horrible Mary-Sues. I do not want to be responsible for that shit.
-Most of the songs I had written didn't really have that many canon references in them, which I find is a staple of Wrock music. They were mostly conceptual, and about feelings. Well, some songs had direct references to Shoebox in them, but not everyone considers that canon, so...

Anyways, I still like the songs I wrote, and I feel like it's a waste for them to sit around, so I thought I would post them here from time to time.
Take note: these songs won't make too much sense if you haven't read shoebox. Or Harry Potter for that matter.

This song takes place in the summer of 1976, (Part Thirteen) while Remus is keeping his dream diary, and trying to figure out his shit. That's mostly what the song is about. That and Sirius.
If it sounds kind of twangy, it's because I suck at guitar, and if the singing is bad, that's only because I'm bad at singing. Enjoy!

This is Not Rational but Oh Well

And for those who don't want to hear about fictional boy-love in the 1970's, here is that song about burning all my files to CD because my hard drive died. IT'S SAD OKAY.

300 Gigabytes

(And I urge everyone to download the Portal soundtrack and to listen to "Still Alive.")

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