March 17, 2008

Your Bones Got a Little Machine

I have this urge, all of the sudden, to get my fingers in as many pies as possible.

I am certain this can be taken lewdly. To clarify, I do not mean any sort of saucy sex-pie. Rather, I am talking about creative writing-pies.

I have this urge to do as much writing as I possibly can. Anything I can do, any project that will take me. All the experiences I've had so far this year, like the writing workshop, and FIND, and the directing scene have had one definite result:

I am thirsty for production. I am positively parched to see my writing come alive, whether it be through theatre, film, radio, anything really. I am absolutely fascinated with the way that directors and actors work together to make things better and more layered than you ever thought they could be!

I feel like the more I do, the more I can learn about my writing, and hopefully I can just continue to improve more and moreso.

Anyhow, Pies, and my fingers being in them. Try to pretend that made any sense what-so-ever.

I did not knit that pie, it is from the internets.

I thought it apt.

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